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At this point I'm wondering if the purpose of safety profiles is simply to serve as a distraction. In other words, safety profiles are just something people can point to when the topic of memory safety comes up, that’s it. The objectives of the initiative always seemed hopelessly optimistic, if not absurd. In particular, I don't understand why littering a codebase with auto, const, constexpr, inline, [[nodiscard]], noexcept, etc is wonderful, yet lifetime annotations are somehow an intolerable tyranny.

I think maybe it's because lifetime annotations can get arbitrarily complicated. If you look at enough Rust code you'll definitely see some function signatures that make your head hurt, even if they're vastly outnumbered by simple ones. A guarantee that the comprehension complexity of that part of your code will always be below some low ceiling is tempting.

The thing is, if you were to make the same design in C++ the code might look "cleaner" because there is less code/fewer annotations, but the other side of that coin is that the developer also has less information about how things are meant to fit together. You not only lose the compiler having your back, you also don't have useful documentation, even if that documentation would be too complicated to grasp at once. Without that documentation you might be fooled into thinking that you do understand what's going on even if you don't in reality.

That's a good point. There's many times in a C++ codebase, where I'd see or write a seemingly innocuous function, but it has so many assumptions about lifetimes, threads, etc that it would make your brain hurt. Of course we try to remove those or add a comment, but it's still difficult to deal with.

There are reasonably good c++11 conventions for lifetimes - if it is a unique_ptr you own it, otherwise you don't and shouldn't save a copy. Almost nobody follows them, but they are good conventions and you should, and write up a bug if someone else isn't. Similar, for threads, keep your data confined to one thread, but explicit where you move/copy it to a different thread (note I said move or copy - the first thread should lose access in some way) - with the only exception of data explicitly marked as thread safe.

The above is forced by Rust, which would be nice, but the conventions are easy enough if you try at all. But most developers refuse to write anything more than C++98.

> But most developers refuse to write anything more than C++98.

I think the bigger mistake is equating memory safety with C++11 smart pointers. They buy you a little, but not the whole buffet. There are a lot of C++ developers that think memory safety is a skill issue and if you just use "best practices with C++11 or higher" then you get it - when evidence proves to the contrary.

Smart pointers, containers... There are plenty of best practices that would give memory safety but nobody uses them (and not for cases where in rust you would have to use unsafe and thus there is good reason).

Which is why safety profiles are so interesting, they are something I should be able to turn on/off on a file by file basis and thus easily force the issue.

Of course profiles don't exist yet (and what is proposed is very different from what this article is arguing against) and so it remains to be seen if they will be adopted and if so how useful they will be.

Safe C++ is also something you turn on file by file.

What matters is tool support. Anything in the standard I expect to get tool support for (eventually), while everything else - lets just say I've been burned a lot by tools that are really nice for a few years but then they stop maintaining it and now I have to rewrite otherwise perfectly good code just so I can upgrade something else. Standard C++ isn't going anyplace soon and I feel confident that if something makes it into the standard tools will exist for a few decades at least (long enough for me to retire). Will Rust or Safe C++ still be around in 10 years, or just be another fad like so many other languages that got a lot of press for a few years and now are not used much (you probably cannot answer this other than a guess)

I fully agree, this thread is about two possible futures for getting that support in the standard: Safe C++ and profiles.

> There are reasonably good c++11 conventions for lifetimes [...] Almost nobody follows them [...]

I swear I'm not trying to be snarky or rude here, but is it actually a "convention" if almost nobody follows it? This seems like one example of my general issue with C++, in that it could be great if everyone agreed to a restricted subset, but of course nobody can coordinate such agreement and it doesn't exist outside companies large and important enough to enforce their own in-house C++ standards (e.g. Google).

What we have is a human problem. The convention exists in enough places (though in slightly different forms) to call it a convention, but it needs more adoption.

Every once in a while someone who writes a lot of Rust will blog about some code they discovered that was 'unsafe' and after looking close they realized it wasn't doing something that fundamentally required unsafe (and often fixing the code to be safe fixed real bugs). C++ and Rust have to leave people enough rope to hang themselves in order to solve the problems they want to solve, but that means people will find a way to do stupid things.

What arguments like this fail to understand is that conventions without guardrails, culture and/or guarantees are next to useless.

That’s not a human problem. It’s like saying “this motorway is pitch black, frequently wet and slippery and has no safety barriers between sides, so crashes are frequent and fatal. What we have is a human problem - drivers should follow the convention of driving at 10mph, when it doesn’t rain and make sure they are on the right side of the road at all times”.

Which is what this whole story is about: how can we add those things to C++? There are lots of options, which should we try. Which sound good but won't work (either technically or because they are not adopted), vs which will.

The whole story is about how you cant do this without lifetime annotations.

In other words: you can try limiting all cars to 10mph, closing the road, automatically switching out all car tyres with skid-proof versions while in motion, or anything else.

But… just turn the god damn lights on and put up a barrier between lanes. It works on every other road.

Despite all the security improvements that Microsoft has pushed for, here is one of the latest posts on Old New Thing.


Notice the use of C's memcpy() function.

This is exactly the kind of posts where showing best practises would be quite helpful, as education.

Honestly, I blame MSVC for a lot of lost momentum when adopting new standards, given it takes them more than 4 years implementing those features. Ofc, this isn't the case for C++11 today, but a lot of projects were started prior to 2015.

And don't get me started on C itself. Jesus Christ.

They certainly aren't to blame for the state of C and C++ adoption on UNIX, Sony and Nintendo, and embedded.

They are the only C++ compiler that properly supports all C++20 modules use cases, while clang still doesn't do Parallel STL from C++17, for example.

They support C17 nowadays, where many embedded folks are slowly adopting C99.

And the UNIX story outside clang and GCC is quite lame, most still stuck in C++14, catching up to C++17.

Likewise, consoles, C++17.

I wouldn't say they "support" C17. Perhaps with a big asterisk. Even with C11, they implemented _parts_ of the standard, but didn't ship some of its libs (threads come to mind). Same deal in C17. Any hopes of porting over standard compliant C code to MSVC are met with lots of additional porting work.

Also, if we do move the discussion outside GCC and Clang, then I don't know what to say man. Why not use GCC or Clang? Are there many UNIX out there not having either? Seems unlikely.

What's interesting to me about this is that from what I understand, lifetime annotations are not present in Rust because of a desire to include information for the use of developers, but because without them the compiler would need to brute-force checking all potential combinations of lifetimes to determine whether one of them is valid. The heuristics[0] that the compiler uses to avoid requiring explicit annotations in practice cover most common situations, but outside of those, the compiler only acts as a verifier for a given set of lifetimes the user specifies rather than attempting to find a solution itself. In other words, all of the information the compiler would need to validate the program is already there; it just wouldn't be practical to do it.

[0]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/lifetime-elision.html

There’s some truth to both. What’s good for computers is often good for humans, but there’s a balance to be had. The elision rules are an acknowledgment that being 100% explicit in surface syntax is going a bit too far, even if it’s important info for the computer to have.

Fair enough! The part that always stuck out to me is that there were other potential designs that could have been made around how (and which) lifetime information would be specified. I think sometimes people might not realize that the we didn't get stuck with the requirements we have for lifetime annotation today due to validation requiring exactly that set of information or an indifference to the burden it might place on the programmer to specify it; the developer experience was at the forefront of deciding how this should work, and as you say, weighing all of the factors that entails is a balance.

For sure. And I do find https://cfallin.org/blog/2024/06/12/rust-path-generics , for example, interesting. It’s certainly not like what Rust does today is the only way things could ever be. Heck, I’m sad we never got elision on structs in 2018 like we were talking about.

Except those kind of annotations already exist, but have proven not to be enough withough language semantic changes, SAL is a requirement in Microsoft's own code since Windows XP SP2.


Rust has nothing on template meta programming and the type signatures you get there, though

I’ve spent a fair amount of time writing C++ but F12’ing any of the std data structures makes me feel like I’ve never seen C++ before in my life.

to be fair, a major cause of the pain of looking at the std is because of the naming and being semi-required to use reserved names for implementation details (either double underscore or starting underscore uppercase) and also for keeping backwards compat for older standard versions.

Not to mention the error messages when you get something slightly wrong

Give the proc macro fans a little more time...

I understand the point you are making, but C++ templates really are a uniquely disastrous programming model. They can be used to pull off neat tricks, but the way those neat tricks are done is terrible.

When a proc macro fails you get an error at the site where the macro is used, and a stack trace into the proc macro crate. You can even use tools to expand the proc macro to see what went wrong (although those aren't built in, yet).

Debugging a proc macro failure is miles and above easier than debugging template errors.

This isn't really true since concepts were introduced. Granted, you have to use them, but it makes the debugging/error messages MUCH better.

Yes. Lifetimes are complicated. Complicated codes make them even harder.

Not annotating is not making anything easier.

What are the "arbitrarily complicated" cases of lifetime annotations? They cannot grow beyond one lifetime (and up to one compilation error) per variable or parameter or function return value.

Mostly involving structs. Someone at work once posted the following, as a slightly-modified example of real code that they'd actually written:

  pub struct Step<'a, 'b> {
      pub name: &'a str,
      pub stage: &'b str,
      pub is_last: bool,

  struct Request<'a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e> {
      step: &'a Step<'d, 'e>,
      destination: &'c mut [u8],
      size: &'b Cell<Option<usize>>,
To be sure, they were seeking advice on how to simplify it, but I imagine those with a more worse-is-better technical sensibility arguing that a language simply should not allow code like that to ever be written.

I also hear that higher-ranked trait bounds can get scary even within a single function signature, but I haven't had cause to actually work with them.

In general, you can usually simplify the first one to have one lifetime for both, and in the second, you’d probably want two lifetimes, one for destination and the others all shared. Defaulting to the same lifetime for everything and then introducing more of them when needed is better than starting with a unique lifetime for each reference.

I think you two are ultimately talking about slightly different things, your parent is trying to point out that, even if this signature is complex, it can’t get more complex than this: one lifetime per reference means the complexity has an upper bound.

But you are specifying that all members of Request except step.is_last have arbitrary unrelated lifetimes (shouldn't some of them be unified?) and you are simply exposing these lifetime parameters to Request client code like you would expose C++ template parameters: a trivial repetition that is easy to read, write and reason about.

It's deceptively easy to look at a number of examples and think: "If I can see that aliasing would be a problem in this function, then a computer should be able to see that too."

The article states "A C++ compiler can infer nothing about aliasing from a function declaration." Which is true, but assumes that the compiler only looks at the function declaration. In the examples given, an analyzer could look at the function bodies and propagate the aliasing requirements upward, attaching them to the function declaration in some internal data structure. Then the analyzer ensures that those functions are used correctly at every call site. Start at leaf functions and walk your way back up the program until you're done. If you run into a situation where there is an ambiguity, you throw an error and let the developer know. Do the same for lifetimes. Heck, we just got 'auto' type inference working in C++11, shouldn't we be able to do this too?

I like not having to see and think about lifetimes and aliasing problems most of the time, and it would be nice if the compiler (or borrow checker) just kept track of those without requiring me to explicitly annotate them everywhere.

From P3465: "why this is a scalable compile-time solution, because it requires only function-local analysis"

From P1179: "This paper ... shows how to efficiently diagnose many common cases of dangling (use-after-free) in C++ code, using only local analysis to report them as deterministic readable errors at compile time."

Local analysis only. It's not looking in function definitions.

Whole program analysis is extremely complicated and costly to compute. It's not comparable to return type deduction or something like that.

Whole program analysis is also impossible in the common case of calling functions given only their declarations. The compiler sees the standard library and the source files it is compiling, not arbitrary external libraries to be linked at a later stage: they might not exist yet and, in case of dynamic linking, they could be replaced while the program is running.

Making programmers manually annoate every single function is infinitely more costly.

That rather depends. Compile time certainly wouldn't scale linearly with the size of a function, you could well reach a scenario where adding in a line to a function results in a year being added to the compile time.

Are you also a proponent of nonlocal type inference? Do you think annotating types is too costly for programmers?

I am a proponent of the auto return type for simple wrapper functions like this, yes.

> Start at leaf functions and walk your way back up the program until you're done. If you run into a situation where there is an ambiguity, you throw an error and let the developer know.

This assumes no recursive functions, no virtual functions/function pointers, no external functions etc etc

> Heck, we just got 'auto' type inference working in C++11, shouldn't we be able to do this too?

Aliasing is much trickier than type inference.

For example aliasing can change over time (i.e. some variables may alias at some point but not at a later point, while types are always the same) and you want any analysis to reflect it because you will likely rely on that.

Granularity is also much more important: does a pointer alias with every element of a vector or only one? The former is surely easier to represent, but it may unnecessary propagate and result in errors.

So effectively you have an infinite domain of places that can alias, while type inference is limited to locals, parameters, functions, etc etc. And even then, aliasing is quadratic, because you want to know which pairs of places alias.

I hope you can see how this can quickly get impractical, both due to the complexity of the analysis and the fact that small imprecisions can result in very big false positives.

Hence the term 'deceptively'.

Even if a sufficiently advanced proof assistant could internally maintain and propagate constraints up through functions (eg. 'vec must not alias x'), your point about small imprecisions cascading into large false positives is well made.

Bottom up constraints become increasingly difficult to untangle the further away they get from their inception, whereas top down rules such as "no mutable aliasing" are much easier to reason about locally.

It's a tick-the-box-for-compliance item like when Microsoft had a POSIX layer for Windows NT.

Microsoft eventually learned that keeping full POSIX support would have been a better outcome in today's server room if they had done it properly instead.

Likewise, pushing half solutions like profiles that are still pretty much a paper idea, other than what already exists in static analysers, might decrease C++'s relevance in some domains, and eventually those pushing for them might find themselves in the position that adopting Safe C++ (circle's design) would have been a much better decision.

The problem with ISO driven languages, is who's around in the room when voting takes place.

Adopting what static analyzers do is a no-go, as they rely on non-local reasoning, even across translation units for lifetime and aliasing analysis. Their output highly depend on what they can see, and they generally can't see the source code for the whole program. I also doubt that they promise any kind of stability in their output across versions.

This is a not a jab against static analyzers, by all means use them, but I don't think they are a good fit as part of the language.

Yeah, yet that is exactly the approach being pushed by those on the profiles camp.

Further, the clang tidy and VC++ analysis based on some of the previous work, e.g. lifetime analysis paper from 2015, barely work, full of false positives.

I was looking forward to it in VC++, and to this day in VC++ latest, it still leaves too much on the table.

We can dream of what it would be like with full POSIX support on Windows, but it was a pipe dream to begin with. There are some major differences between Windows and POSIX semantics for things like processes and files. The differences are severe enough that Windows and POSIX processes can’t coexist. The big issue with files is that on POSIX, you can conceptually think of a file as an inode, with zero or more paths pointing to it. On Windows, you conceptually think of a file as the path itself, and you can create mandatory locks. There are other differences. Maybe you could address these given enough time, but WSL’s solution is to basically isolate Windows and Linux, which makes a ton of sense.

This wasn't the case with the subsystems approach, which is also validated by all micro-computers from IBM and Unisys still in use, being further developed, with incompatible differences between their mainframe heritage and UNIX compatability workloads.

Since const can be cast away, it's useless for checking.

const can be cast away, auto can have some really nasty behavior, constexpr doesn't have to do anything, inline can be ignored, [[nodiscard]] can be discarded, exceptions can be thrown in noexcept functions, etc. Almost everything in C++ can be bypassed in one way or another.

D can cast away const, but not in @safe code. Though we are considering revising this so it can only be done in @system code.


> You are more correct than you think you are!!!

Your comment will be more interesting if you expand upon it.

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