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It’s has nothing to do with being simple and everything to do with wha the database looks like at the end of the day.

Some ORMs are better than others but if if you have ever looked at a database created by a ORM it always has weird lookup tables, funny names and even with simple objects completely unusable without the ORM.

We live in a multi language world. There is a high chance you are going to want to access this data with a different language. This langue is not going to have the same ORM as such you will have a horrid time access the data.

ORMs often lay their data out in a way that is highly language dependent.

The fact of the matter is SQL is not hard and bypassing the main interface to the database and hand wave it away will always bring you regret when writing any sooty of software other than a toy project.

Your best case is you become an expert in the ORM. Resulting in a skill set that does not transfer easy, language locked and the worst of all bottle necks any changes to the data layer to your ORM expert who at first will be proud and happy and end smug and bitchy as all the data layers request changes will simply be redirected to them.

When people like me say ORMs are trash it’s much more than any of the surface level rebuttals listed here. It’s about the whole life cycle is your project. Adding up all the places ORMs can fuck you just makes it a bad proposition.

God forbid you need to upgrade your database or the ORM version.

> ORMs often lay their data out in a way that is highly language dependent.

Which ORMs did you use? This doesn't sound normal at all. Never saw this with Rails, Ecto, EF, Sybase, or even the legacy project I once worked on that had 4 different ORMs for different parts of the same backend process, using the same database (some were very old and behind slowly phased out over time). Maybe you have ORM confused with CMS (content management system). A CMS can do those things, but that is not an ORM.

> There is a high chance you are going to want to access this data with a different language.

There are tools for that, such as ETL, read replicas, data warehouses, code generators, raw sql, stored procedures, views, just off the top of my head.

Well, different people, different experiences.

Same experience just different time lines.

`if you have ever looked at a database created by a ORM`

You do realize that you can make your own migrations using raw SQL, and still use the ORM with your tables?

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