Hi everyone,
I've been "funemployed" for a few months and with all that free time and idle hands I wrote a full web framework (think Rails, not Flask) for Rust.
It's boring old MVC, has its own ORM, templates, background jobs, auth, websockets, migrations and more. If you're keen but don't feel like rewriting your app in a different language, Rwf has a WSGI server to run Django (or Flask) inside Rust [1], letting you migrate to Rust at your own pace without disrupting your website.
I think Rust makes a great prototyping and deploy straight to production language. Now it has yet another framework for y'all to play with.
[1] https://levkk.github.io/rwf/migrating-from-python/
One of my biggest learnings from doing a bunch of web MVC through Rails over the years is that the framework should heavily discourage business logic in the model layer.
Some suggestions:
- Don't allow "callbacks" (what AR calls them) ie hooks like afterCreate in the data model. I know you don't have these yet in your ORM, but in case those are on the roadmap, my opinion is that they should not be.
- That only really works though if you not strongly encourage a service aka business logic layer. Most of my Rails app tend to have all of these as command aka service objects using a gem (library/package) like Interactor.*
* It's my view that MVC (and therefore Rails otb) is not ideal by itself to write a production-ready app, because of the missing service layer.
Also, curious why existing ORMs or query builders from the community weren't leveraged?
Disclaimer: I haven't written a line of Rust yet (more curious as the days go by). I'm more curious than ever now, thanks to you!