Wow. Pumpkin's runtime is way better (faster, much less RAM used) than the Java versions. Congrats.
I wonder what the Kotlin-based Minestom is doing differently that causes it to have numbers between Pumpkin and the Java versions.
For comparison's sake, do you have build times for Pumpkin? I'll assume that's where critics may target.
How bad could it be? I cry while async-stripe crate builds.
Compiling from Nothing
*Debug:* 10.35sec *Release:* 38.40sec
Recompilation (pumpkin crate)
*Debug:* 1.82sec *Release:* 28.68sec
I will put them into the benchmarks
The build times on async-stripe are inhumane. I wish the project didn't use so much codegen.
Wow. Pumpkin's runtime is way better (faster, much less RAM used) than the Java versions. Congrats.
I wonder what the Kotlin-based Minestom is doing differently that causes it to have numbers between Pumpkin and the Java versions.
For comparison's sake, do you have build times for Pumpkin? I'll assume that's where critics may target.