My best answer is try your 100 free trial searches and compare the search experience. Kagi has every incentive to create a superior search experience or you do not pay. For Kagi, every customer matters.
> How is this better than using Google with an ad blocker?
Rubber duck to a battleship.
The number of times I've found something in seconds that a co-worker was digging around in pursuit of for minutes has by this point escaped me. Were you around for Alta Vista vs. Google? This feels the same. The only difference is it's paywalled, which for the consumer, is generally good--it means the benefits won't be generalised and the product will remain an elite minority offering that doesn't gain traction with SEO bots.
How is this better than using Google with an ad blocker?
That’s my current solutions, why should I switch to paying for Kagi? Ty!