> Here I am looking from western Europe at 100% self-inflicted US obesity epidemics and shaking my head in disbelief, what kind of garbage and in what massive quantities you guys consume daily.
26% and climbing in the UK. 19% and climbing in Germany. 17% in France. 11% in Switzerland - and another 30% overweight. 20 years ago America was 32% obese. Do you want to bet that this is a uniquely American thing? That these numbers won't continue to climb in Europe? Hell, we're seeing them climb in Asia - South Korea's obesity rate among men went from 3.26% to 7.3% from 2009 to 2019, though women increased at a much slower rate.
> Sure, you can just literally throw money at the problem that is too scary for you to tackle it headfirst, or you can have a wake up call and make your life significantly better from now on and live longer. All is connected - it leads to higher confidence, happier healthier life. The key is to walk the hard path - overcome such a challenge will redefine who you are for the better. Taking pills every day because you can't avoid eating a cookie under stress won't, in contrary.
And plenty of people can keep moralizing about how everyone should do it The Proper Way and refusing to understand that while, yes, it is within the power of humans to overcome things with willpower, that there are situations that cause it to require significantly more willpower for some.
> Kids don't eat garbage because parents don't give them garbage, because parents don't eat and overeat on garbage.
This is a great example. A significant number of people end up obese because they're poor. This seems silly at first, right? Go to the grocery store, buy good whole food, cook, save money! There's problems with this: Many poor people work long hours and have difficulty finding the time or energy to cook. Even when they do, many of the cheapest food items are also the most calorie dense and worst calorie:satiety ratios. So this starts them on a cycle of eating the sort of food that makes you fat. And then the fatter you get, the more feedback cycles you have encouraging you to continue getting fatter - such as the well researched links between obesity and leptin. So they get fat, their kids get fat, and it becomes ever more difficult to stop being fat, all because that's the food they could afford to feed their families with.
> A significant number of people end up obese because they're poor... Many poor people work long hours and have difficulty finding the time or energy to cook.
Every one of those poor Americans has a vote. One vote per person, same as rich people. Experts have long noted that there are more poor people than rich people. There's nothing stopping them from doing what western Europeans did, vote in leaders who provide better working conditions, better worker protections and better pay, and other policies that reduce poverty.
If only there were a drug that suppressed political defeatism.
> There's nothing stopping them from doing what western Europeans did, vote in leaders who provide better working conditions, better worker protections and better pay, and other policies that reduce poverty.
On the local level, gerrymandering can quite literally stop them from doing that.
It is easy to call taking the medication easy, but nothing about it actually is.
Eating right, lifting, trying to be active… all of that on top of the nausea created by the medication itself.
Obesity is such a massive epidemic, and shaming people into feeling bad about it has clearly not worked. And that’s before you consider the genetic factors, environmental factors, food deserts, and the other dozen reasons it’s so hard to stay fit for some people.
I am genetically gifted in some ways; an athlete’s metabolism was not one of them. I can be extremely disciplined, but the constant vigilance creates this “food noise” in your head that’s hard to explain, but extremely stressful, and causes you to constantly be seeking the next meal.
It used to be that every single food I put in my mouth tasted amazing (within reason). Apparently this is not true for everyone, and they have a greater and sharper distinction between “foods that are amazing” and “foods that are just fine”. That distinction exists for me now, and never really did before this medication.
There are so many ways it has helped me. My blood labs are perfect, and my liver was definitely not perfect before. My A1C was just on the cusp of prediabetic, at 5.7%. My triglycerides, ALT, AST… all were wayyyyy higher than they should have been.
A1C at last test a few months ago was 5.0%, and all the other numbers are well within low-mid range of where they should be.
Anyone that looks at someone using GLP-1 medications and thinks they’re “cheating” is a child. You still have to put in the work; you still have to eat right and work out and lift. It just makes it actually possible to do that for the first time in many people’s lives. I don’t know if you’ve ever put on a realistic “fat suit,” but trust me when I say that everything is harder when you’re heavier. A walk around the block is an insane workout if you are 450lbs and haven’t walked in years. It’s not where you should end, but it is a start, and if there is a medication that helps someone start… everyone else can fuck right off. You will never find me shaming someone else or judging them for getting healthy, which is the actual point more than just losing weight.
There is one way to get off the medication in the future (or get on the lowest dose, etc): build significant muscle mass. That’s why it’s so important to lift.
One common argument I’ve heard against GLP-1 meds is the idea that you’ll have to be on the meds forever. And for some people, maybe even most, that may be true. We don’t know yet.
But you know what’s worse than being on a GLP-1 med forever? Being obese forever. We know precisely just how that kills so many of us.
But you’re right, we should just go back to the way it was. That seemed to work just fine. :/
I don't think the point is that GLP-1 inhibitors are "cheating," but that maybe some therapy for addiction (of all kinds) and a shift in focus toward health is a better idea than being on a drug for the rest of your life. So many people regain all the weight they lost after stopping these drugs, so it doesn't make meaningful progress and just covers the problem.
At some point, we may find that these drugs cause long-term health problems of their own, too.
> maybe some therapy for addiction (of all kinds) and a shift in focus toward health is a better idea than being on a drug for the rest of your life.
It doesn't work for nearly as many people as GLP-1 agonists do. There are many different treatment methods that have been tested and evaluated, and being told to diet and exercise through therapy barely works at all. GLP-1 by contrast works very well.
> At some point, we may find that these drugs cause long-term health problems of their own, too.
Almost sounds like wishful thinking on your part -- you might want to stop and consider why you're so invested in these drugs having long-term side effects.
CBT is very good at breaking addictions and other bad thought patterns, and it is the scientific basis on which most hard drug rehabs work. There's no reason to suggest that it works less on food than on heroin.
> There's no reason to suggest that it works less on food than on heroin.
And nobody said it did. But the thought that obese people haven’t considered therapy is absurd. Most of them do so for depression, not the obesity, but they are usually related.
The people who GLP-1 drugs help have not “never tried anything,” including but not limited to “real therapy.”
If CBT and other modalities help someone, great! But they often don’t, and when they don’t, it’s absurd to want them to continue to suffer instead of get help with medication.
> And nobody said it did. But the thought that obese people haven’t considered therapy is absurd. Most of them do so for depression, not the obesity, but they are usually related.
Citation needed. As I understand it, serious therapeutic psychological treatments for obesity are highly stigmatized in the US. You may be projecting your own experience onto a group that does not share it.
By the way, CBT as used for depression and for obesity are totally different types of CBT. CBT methods are highly tailored to the specific thought pattern you want to prevent.
> I don't think the point is that GLP-1 inhibitors are "cheating," but that maybe some therapy for addiction (of all kinds) and a shift in focus toward health is a better idea than being on a drug for the rest of your life.
There is no guarantee that I’ll have to be on it for the rest of my life. But also, I was not “addicted” to food.
I spent 18 months changing my lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise habits, and I lost zero weight. I gained health (hikes were no longer a problem, I was fully capable of working out after enough time doing it, etc.), but no weight loss.
Yes, I tracked. Yes, I ate below my expenditure. My body holds onto weight.
So yeah, I agree with more help for people with addictions, period. I do not see how it is a “replacement” for a medication that is clearly helping people.
A lack of therapy was not my problem.
> So many people regain all the weight they lost after stopping these drugs, so it doesn't make meaningful progress and just covers the problem.
> At some point, we may find that these drugs cause long-term health problems of their own, too.
Or we may not; these drugs have been around since 2005. They’re not new, despite most people having just heard of them now.
But we know for a fact that obesity kills.
Again: your contention is that instead of using this medication that helped me get healthier over the last 7 months and will help me get healthier yet over the next 7-8, you would have preferred that I “accept” that I have a problem imbued with negative morals (“addiction”) and try my hardest to break it. The thing is, I had already done that for the entirety of my life, remained obese, and would have died of it eventually.
Can I be disciplined? Absolutely. I even lost 55 lbs doing keto for 10 months. I ran a startup, and successfully sold it.
Discipline wasn’t my issue.
I’m not suggesting you should use a GLP-1 med. I’m suggesting you shouldn’t be the arbiter of whether it is helpful or not; it’s effects should be.
I was not talking about your personal experience. You may have actually benefitted from the main intended pharmacological effects of this drug, since it appears to be affecting your metabolism (your "body holds onto weight" comment suggests that). This is a diabetes drug, remember.
The majority of people who are accessing this drug have endocrine systems that work just fine, but problems with controlling themselves around food. Our societal-level response is to treat it with a drug rather than helping people who really do have significant willpower problems overcoming their lack of discipline. There are hugely beneficial approaches that rely on CBT, for example, but are relatively controversial because of "weightism" concerns.
> The majority of people who are accessing this drug have endocrine systems that work just fine, but problems with controlling themselves around food.
Citation needed. This is the main assumption you are making that I, and others, vehemently disagree with.
The implication is that this is the first time people have suddenly decided they don’t like being obese. That’s absurd. The people on these medications have tried everything. Talk to literally any obesity doctor and ask them about their patients.
This assumption is the problem. Nothing about the meds is easy. It just makes it possible for people to change when they couldn’t before.
I don’t know why people feel a need to argue against that.
> Our societal-level response is to treat it with a drug rather than helping people who really do have significant willpower problems overcoming their lack of discipline. There are hugely beneficial approaches that rely on CBT, for example, but are relatively controversial because of "weightism" concerns.
Sure, and I don’t disagree. And I’m all for people doing that too. If it works, great!
On average, it doesn’t, for the vast majority of people, though it does work for some, and that’s great. I agree it’s a preferable approach. But if it worked for most people, it would have worked.
But if it doesn’t work? Previously, people just accepted that they were going to be obese and miserable, and that it was their fault, which led to depression, etc., further making it “impossible” to ever fix.
So if there is a medication that helps people change their lifestyle to get healthy, and also appears to be extremely effective, and has a good safety profile… that’s bad?
> The people on these medications have tried everything. Talk to literally any obesity doctor and ask them about their patients.
Citation needed on this one. Almost all the obese people I know have never seen a specialist doctor about it, so I assume your anecdata have selection bias. The people who see obesity doctors are the ones who have tried everything. Not the average obese person.
I don't personally mind if you or anyone who really needs it and gets prescribed the thing by a specialist takes Ozempic. I don't think any drug use, be it Ozempic, abortion pills, or estrogen, should be stigmatized for the individuals taking it. I do think it's a sign of a societal ill that a large majority of the people taking Ozempic are not in that situation.
> Citation needed on this one. Almost all the obese people I know have never seen a specialist doctor about it, so I assume your anecdata have selection bias.
You sure? Nearly every single one I know has seen their primary about it every time they go in and if the primary referred them to a specialist they went.
What they don’t do, though, is talk about it.
Have you asked them?
> I don't personally mind if you or anyone who really needs it and gets prescribed the thing by a specialist takes Ozempic. I don't think any drug use, be it Ozempic, abortion pills, or estrogen, should be stigmatized for the individuals taking it.
Great, agreed.
> I do think it's a sign of a societal ill that a large majority of the people taking Ozempic are not in that situation.
I don’t think it’s true that “a large majority” of the people taking it are just handed the pills for fun, to lose a few pounds. Your assumption about to whom they are prescribed is my whole issue, as it assumes they don’t need it to lose weight and can “just eat right and work out,” and that is not true.
People who are obese don’t like being obese. They aren’t that way because they don’t care. They aren’t that way because they are lazy. (On average)
No, Wegovy and Zepbound are not diabetes drugs. They are weight loss drugs.
> ... but problems with controlling themselves around food.
Problems that Wegovy and Zepbound solve for most people taking them, when no other solution worked for those people.
> There are hugely beneficial approaches that rely on CBT,
CBT is much more expensive, time-intensive, and less effective for weight loss than GLP-1 drugs. It also scales incredibly poorly, as you need a huge number of therapists. There are roughly a hundred million obese Americans. We can make enough drugs to treat all them, but can we make and pay for several million therapists to perform CBT on all of them, all for less efficacy than the GLP-1 agonists? Fat chance.
Exactly! For many drugs it's essentially a funny accident of history that they were originally discovered while attempting to cure something completely unrelated to what is now their primary usage.
>The majority of people who are accessing this drug have endocrine systems that work just fine, but problems with controlling themselves around food
Quite frankly this is an incredibly absurd statement. Do you realize that our brains entirely control our behavior? An issue with self control is a brain issue, and very well may be an endocrine issue. Are you an endocrinologist?
Even if you were completely right, you might as well start shaming Africans for "needing" malaria vaccines. Europe is not America. What you call a self inflicted epidemic is generally accepted as a disastrous food situation because of market forces with no government incentives to foster a culture of healthy eating. And I'm underweight FYI before your European high horse starts lobbing more uncalled for insults.