"With all of that said, I have to emphasize that little of this really matters. If you’re inclined to start a startup, nothing anyone says will stand in your way, nor, should it. If you have the bug to make something, it’s impossible to shake, and in my mind can be one of the best life experiences you can have.
Every month we get a some new users, a couple of excited emails, a few glimpses at just how neat our project could be. And more than that, we get to build something that we really love.
I'm not trying to discourage anyone. Instead, I'm sharing our personal experiences and discussing just how challenging these hurdles can be.
My business partner and I are struggling to make our idea work just like all of the others here. I'm not the person to try and prove wrong. I want your business to work out.
If anything, the post was intended to be a reminder of how we all just have to keep working and remain focused.
The closing thoughts in the article
"With all of that said, I have to emphasize that little of this really matters. If you’re inclined to start a startup, nothing anyone says will stand in your way, nor, should it. If you have the bug to make something, it’s impossible to shake, and in my mind can be one of the best life experiences you can have.
Every month we get a some new users, a couple of excited emails, a few glimpses at just how neat our project could be. And more than that, we get to build something that we really love.
I wouldn’t trade that for anything."