I need to solve a puzzle to be allowed to sit down in a room with other programmers and code? You've got to be kidding me...
I'd rather buy a coffee at a coffee shop, I could care less about 'posers' I do have other things to talk about besides whether ruby/php/python is more scalable.
At least the coffee shop isn't trying to disguise selling coffee as recruitment, pretty soon your local microroaster will be holding 'baristathons' and asking obscure questions about coffee to weed out the 'posers'.
You forgot a part: you have to solve a puzzle be allowed to sit in a room full of hackers and code, while getting pitched to be a technical cofounder (for sweat equity, of course) from all sides. ;)
Even worse, it's a binary string that you convert to ASCII to produce /ImAHacker, to which you then apparently send a JSON PUT. So, you know you're only dealing with the truly l33t.
Converting 'binary' to ASCII and being able to make a POST request is what counts as a capable coder these days?
I'm just saying that it seems like an arbitrary hoop, when I go down to hackspace they don't make me jump through hoops... some of the people at the hackspace definitely can't code they're doing things like yarn bombing or moss graffiti, some can't code and are absolute geniuses with electronics.
I'd rather buy a coffee at a coffee shop, I could care less about 'posers' I do have other things to talk about besides whether ruby/php/python is more scalable.
At least the coffee shop isn't trying to disguise selling coffee as recruitment, pretty soon your local microroaster will be holding 'baristathons' and asking obscure questions about coffee to weed out the 'posers'.