Chocolat is supposed to be able to load in bundles and themes from TextMate. I'm not sure if this is implemented fully yet but I know that it's an option.
That's an option and it works even better than the bundles do with TextMate. Just goto Action > Install Extras and you'll see bundles and themes. Once I figure out this split-pane thingy I'll pony up my $49.
Split panes are actually beautifully easy. You just select both files that you want in the sidebar (command-I) and they show up. To change the individual file you can click on the name in the bottom of the window. The bigger find for me was holding option and clicking to get multi-cursor editing. Can't wait until a manual is published to see what else I missed.
I actually haven't been a huge fan of any yet. SublimeCodeIntel hardly works for me (I use Sublime mostly for Ruby). Is Sublime Linter any good for Ruby?