You certainly are confident that you know more about GP's situation than they do.
When you took your desktop app and built a browser extension version, did you really rewrite the entire app in vanilla JavaScript just got the Mozilla review team as you seem to be expecting GP to have done? How long did it take you? What sort of opportunity cost was there from investing your time on that instead of adding value to your product?
For someone who opened their post with a first sentence like that, you're making a lot of (bad) assumptions on your end; most of your questions are unanswerable or have answers that you are clearly expecting to go the other way.
Demanding >9GB of disk space to build a browser extension is insane.
When you took your desktop app and built a browser extension version, did you really rewrite the entire app in vanilla JavaScript just got the Mozilla review team as you seem to be expecting GP to have done? How long did it take you? What sort of opportunity cost was there from investing your time on that instead of adding value to your product?