You're skating perilously close to "if something hasn't happened yet, it can't ever happen". This is not valid reasoning.
If the global economy can't get off fossil fuels, we're incredibly fucked, so I suggest there's nothing to be lost by assuming the problem is solvable.
And you’re skating awfully close to the ‘if something could be theoretically solved, that means it is already solved’. That is also not valid reasoning.
I’m pointing out that the scope and scale of the actual changes that need to happen is so large that it will require a lot of work to solve it, in practice. Without everyone (well, 90% probably) starving to death, anyway.
Should we be starting? Yes. But it will require actual concerted effort and significant tradeoffs. And a lot of time.
We’ve been working very hard to get to this point for a century now.
Now you're confusing "solvable" with "solved". Different concepts!
Of course a lot of work would be needed. The work, however, would be justified and very likely rewarded. There don't appear to be any showstoppers that would prevent it from succeeding.
The ultimate problem is one of collective action, internalizing costs that are now externalized. We've solved problems like this before, globally for example with the ban on CFCs. Here the costs and stakes are even higher.
Fossil fuel use will ultimately drive some countries near the equator to such levels of heating that life will become difficult or impossible. India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons, so they (particularly India, which has hydrogen bombs and a much larger economy) can threaten to kick over the global card table if the problem is not effectively addressed.
The issue is that many players are already defacto bankrupt (from a people starving to death/poverty perspective) even while externalizing the costs of fossil fuels.
Like India, Pakistan, many parts of China, Russia, etc.
So easy to say, hard to do. And it’s hard to say that threatening to nuke everyone is going to apply the right kind of leverage, if say India is already starting to drown. Wouldn’t it be better for everyone else then to take their nukes (or nuke them in advance) and let them drown?
Even if others haven’t gotten that far in their line of thinking, I’m guessing India sure has.
The CFC coalition was nothing compared to what will be required to deal with this situation - and notably, the CFC issue still isn’t really solved. Just mostly under control.
If the global economy can't get off fossil fuels, we're incredibly fucked, so I suggest there's nothing to be lost by assuming the problem is solvable.