I don’t see why WSGI would enforce any of that. Just sounds like someone jumped the microservices hype train…. You can as easily fit it in one python program as in one go binary.
I can keep an effective in memory store of data and expect it to even be the same in memory store of data? When a wsgi server is spawning multiple processes?
Or kick of long running backend tasks in a other thread?
These are things that python forces you to do in a distributed manner. Partly because of the gil and partly because those pesky cloud native best practices don't apply outside of the cloud...
And well if I'm going to have to reimplment an http server not ontop of wsgi how about just using a different language that doesn't have those same fundamental problems for the use case...
There's things I would happily use python for. A webserver just isn't one of them.
I mean it takes 10 lines of code to have a webserver running in golang, the language is build for it.