Today I carved a front panel for my cyberdeck project out of a composite wood board. I hand-drafted everything, and planned out the wiring (though I won't be onto the soldering phase for a while now). It felt good. I don't think having a 3d printer + AI designing my cyberdeck would feel the same.
Yeah I think the whole “humans won’t need to do <insert creative-adjacent-and-skilled-labour-here>” argument misses is the fundamental human aspect.
Computers might do some things “better” than humans, but we’re still going to do things because we _want_ to. Often the fun is in the doing.
LLM’s can vomit out code faster than me, I still enjoy writing software. They’ll vomit out a novel or a song, but I still like reading/listening to stuff a human has taken time and effort to create something, because they can.
Fifteen was a massive success partially because Taylor was only 19 when she recorded it and so it sounded authentic. It's a human singing about her experiences. Also, the lyrics both on macro and micro levels is exceptionally well done and genuinely new.
In other words, in another area: you can take all the art made in the world before Guernica and throw it in any probabilistic network but for sure you won't get Guernica out of that.