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IntelliJ is an IDE. Eclipse is a platform :)

Being able to use Eclipse for complex multi-language projects and have it offer intelligent IDE functionality for all of them is amazing. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of the Eclipse ecosystem.

I think you're selling IntelliJ very short. IDEA is a pretty encompassing platform, too. It does PHP better than PDT, for one, and I haven't found better Python support than what you get as part of PyCharm (which is available as part of IDEA--their Ruby support is too, though I don't write Ruby myself). And in the Java world, its first-class support for Maven and Gradle make me a lot happier than wrestling with stuff like m2eclipse.

About the only thing that I thought was better in Eclipse last I used it was C/C++. CDT is great in comparison. But I'd rather use Visual Studio if I need to write C++.

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