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"- I am physically the most disgusting form of existence that ever lived, I am so ugly people vomit when they merely see me. I can't even buy a prostitute no matter how much I would pay.

- I have a condition which makes me physically unable to bear seeing or hearing just 1 second of ads.

- I am immune to propaganda and see the world in undistorted way, resulting in previous point.

- My favorite algorithm is most likely Hough transform.

- It physically hurts me when someone says "the reason ... is because" or "just because ... doesn't mean".

- I immediately turn off any documentary where a woman starts talking as a "scientist"."

Ah, I miss personal webpages.

Reminds me of an article which said that positive side of autism is that autists are impossible to brainwash, and that they are the only ones to speak up in a nazi society -- because they ignore the social cues.

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