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I think most of these solutions are "fine" for their stated goals, but the problem is that bookkeeping is tedious. And that's what Jira (or insert ticket system of your choice here) exposes, the tediousness of the task of keeping proper book of your work.

You want to know what's being done, what needs to be done, who's working on what, where they are, what branches or repos are related to that work, how long will it take, etc. And someone's got to write that down, someone's got to keep that up.

There are ways to get things to talk to each other to automate some things, but at the end of the day, you gotta enter the data. It's a lot like the "blockchain" in that regard. The issue has hardly ever been the tools around asset management, the issue is about getting reliable data into the system.

Bookkeeping also takes time from actual development. So estimating how long something takes and recording that estimate makes that task take even longer.

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