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If you look at two charts:

1) The amount spent on homelessness in California 2) The number of homeless in California

you will realize that both charts could represent a fast growing SAAS business. One for revenue and the other for users. The people working in the government sector known as the homeless industrial complex have incentive to keep the charts going in that direction.

The only real effective solution to homelessness is to give homeless people houses and then extra support, other solutions (whilst having some beneficial effect) aren't sufficient.

However the concept of a homeless industrial complex has essentially been pushed and overblown by right wing think tanks with significantly worse solutions.

24 billion dollars for 184,000 homeless people (United States Department of Housing and Urban Development estimate). That's 135k per person. Where is the money going if not the homeless industrial complex?

Hahahaha, that won’t solve it either. That just incentivizes categorizing people as homeless so the industry can create substandard housing at inflated prices (to the taxpayer) and lock them into it (while charging the taxpayer to administer it forever). See the racket that is ‘affordable housing’ in the same areas.

The thing to realize here is that these groups would rather have a large, unsolvable problem they can constantly try to ‘fix’ at great expense, than actually resolve a real problem.

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