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I personally don't care much for abstract art, but if your goal is to produce an art piece, then sure, that's a purpose. I don't know if OP was going for "art" or just having fun with the tech. I wouldn't count it as art because it's very much a copy of an existing piece of software, not an original piece.

> Others were made for study at art academies in the late nineteenth century and later, while the statue has also been replicated for various commercial reasons or as artistic statements in their own right. Smaller replicas are often considered kitsch.[2]

There you go. Many of them were commercial, not art. It does also say "artistic or statements in their own right" -- I'd like to know what statement they're trying to make, because I wouldn't generally describe carbon copies as art. It's a copy of art, but not really artistic in itself.

I'm happy to be downvoted/flagged for this, but please kindly fuck off from gatekeeping art.

I don't have a downvote button. And I'm not gatekeeping. I don't care what people do. Art is subjective, and carbon-copying is not within my definition or appreciation of art. If you think that's art, great, you do you.

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