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Why, what's wrong with 172MB calculator app?

A calculator app doesn't need that many megabytes of code and assets to be a calculator app. So if an app is way bigger than it should be, it usually means one of two things (usually!):

1. The app was not very optimised, perhaps created by a novice, containing a lot of things it doesn't need.

2. The app used to be really small, but a lot of extra code was added to serve you ads, profile you for better targeting or do sneaky stuff you didn't ask for.

If a trip to the baker took 172 days, there would be over 171 used days to justify; if it took 172 engineers to change a lightbulb, it would have to be a very special lightbulb or explanations should be in order. Besides uses of concern of the extra resources spent, it simply just makes no sense.

Nothing, but it better have a fully featured computer algebra system baked in.

Early versions of Mathematica were only a few dozen MB and certainly have more functionality than probably most calculator apps you can find that are much bigger.

Whatever is in the extra 150MB. Ads, spyware, bloat, slow performance.

i would say 'whatever is in the extra 171.97 megabytes'

i wrote a calculator app including its own implementation of decimal floating point and it's still only 20 kilobytes

1. I doubt this includes GUI

2. The Qalculate CLI is 2mb, so perhaps your 20kb calculator could add some features while still being a 100% pure calculator

yeah, the 20-kilobyte calculator runs as an x-windows application, but it doesn't have any buttons or anything; it's keyboard-driven. the 'gui' is https://gitlab.com/kragen/bubbleos/blob/master/yeso/yesocalc...

I would add an /i to keep your karma happy

People here are vaccinated against sarcasm it seems

People arrived to this shore after having experienced that what they considered unbelievable and untenable is actually believed and held by some - who may not even seem to be particularly an uncommon tail of an emerging population.

And this is why a good '/S' keeps you safe from misunderstanding.

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