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Allow me to respond to your points.

1. Your characterization of Rob's position on generics is not at all accurate. The Go team's view, in a nutshell, is that generics would offer some exciting possibilities for Go (particularly when combined with its concurrency model) but that it is also extremely hard to do generics well. We have put a huge amount of work into defining and refining Go, and we don't want to break it with a bad generics implementation.

There are plenty of "proper implementations" of these collection classes. Your only criticism of them seems to be that they are not type safe. But it is trivial to implement a type safe wrapper around such containers, if you desire it. So the situation is perhaps a little cumbersome, but no worse than C. I don't think this is enough to doom the language.

2. This appears to be a matter of taste. You find Go's tests hard to read. I find them easy to read, as they're not written in some domain-specific testing language. They're just Go code.

If you need asserts in your Go tests, they're trivial to add with an auxiliary package, and thanks to "go get" it is trivial to install and use external packages.

3. I have carefully reviewed the code of hundreds of new Go programmers (I'm a Go readability reviewer at Google and work on the open source project) and I haven't observed the issues you describe here. I sometimes see an initial confusion about addressability, but it is usually just this: http://golang.org/doc/go_faq.html#methods_on_values_or_point...

4. I think you're wrong. Think of any time you've written an event loop or had to rally multiple threads. I'm confident that in most of those cases you could have done it more cleanly with goroutines and channels.

Finally, look at the state of programming today. Most of the languages and libraries that people use are riddled with idiosyncrasies. The Go language and libraries, by contrast, are amazingly regular. This is not just my opinion, but the feedback that I receive consistently from Go programmers around the world.

> So the situation is perhaps a little cumbersome, but no worse than C.

Actually, this is not totally true. C has pre-processor and void * which allows for simple generic data structures with no performance impact. go ties your hands here since you have to use type-assertions which are not free, unlike C casts.

> 4. I think you're wrong. Think of any time you've written an event loop or had to rally multiple threads. I'm confident that in most of those cases you could have done it more cleanly with goroutines and channels.

Goroutines are great, but synchronous channels are not at all easy to use beyond simple producer/consumer models.

I'll also note that for both complaints 1 and 2, you think its trivial for programmers to just do the work, but I though go was all about saving programmer time?

> I'll also note that for both complaints 1 and 2, you think its trivial for programmers to just do the work, but I though go was all about saving programmer time?

Go is "penny foolish and pound wise", to subvert the maxim.

It is indeed trivial for programmers to just do the work, and in return you get an amazingly regular system that saves huge swathes of time grappling with larger issues.

I've noticed this realization occurring to other programmers. It's not at all obvious until you've written a significant amount of Go code.

> The Go team's view, in a nutshell, is that generics would offer some exciting possibilities for Go (particularly when combined with its concurrency model) but that it is also extremely hard to do generics well. We have put a huge amount of work into defining and refining Go, and we don't want to break it with a bad generics implementation.

Wouldn't it have been a good idea to take generics into account from the very start?

This is one of my concerns. Java clearly suffers from having generics bolted on much later and the underlying type system would be different if generics were contemplated from the start. Will Go have similar problems when they eventually add generics?

Actually the Go team has mentioned what happened with Java is a reason why they have not added generics, they have said they wont add them unless they are 100% certain that they are happy with the design and that they will not damage the language.

>There are plenty of "proper implementations" of these collection classes. Your only criticism of them seems to be that they are not type safe. But it is trivial to implement a type safe wrapper around such containers, if you desire it. So the situation is perhaps a little cumbersome, but no worse than C.

"no worse than C" doesn't sound particularly enticing.

>The Go language and libraries, by contrast, are amazingly regular. This is not just my opinion, but the feedback that I receive consistently from Go programmers around the world.

Selection bias?

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