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AI Helped Me Build My DIY App – DIY-It (diyit.app)
3 points by Gentillo 1 day ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This is exclusively other people's content that's badly credited (if at all) to push Amazon affiliate links.

Thank you for your feedback. I will do a better job crediting the creators. The content currently displayed is partly my own, created to showcase how the platform will function and appear once it’s fully launched. I will, however, make sure to clearly credit any third-party content where applicable moving forward. As DIY-it grows, my goal is to have a platform where users can find and complete their own projects. The affiliate links help support the platform without impacting the experience or cost to users. I don't like how all blogs have a wall of ads ruining the flow of finding and working on projects. I appreciate the input and will continue working to improve transparency on the site.

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