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Not really, because honestly a lot of us who came into programming via research never learned typed languages or unit tests or any of those best practices - we were just hacking around in MATLAB, R, or Python from the start. What I really need is a seamless and easy way to run statistical models that can only be fit in R, but from Python or Node. There are several categories of statistical modeling where R completely blows python out of the water, and it's incredibly wasteful (and error-prone) to try to re-implement these yourself in Python.

rpy2 can be used to call R from Python: https://rviews.rstudio.com/2022/05/25/calling-r-from-python-...

reticulate works for going in the other direction: https://rstudio.github.io/reticulate/

With the good interoperability these days, let's stop rewriting functionality in other languages. If the interoperability is no good, work on fixing that, please.

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