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> a "low-overhead" parallelization library

Who is out here building high-overhead parallelization libraries?

I have almost certainly built high overhead parallelization primitives during my junior years.

Check out my high-overhead replacement for 'cat' in BASH

    ~ $ type cat
    cat is a function
    cat () 
        while read; do
            printf '%s\n' "$REPLY";
        done < "$@"
It probably butchers things. Why? I got bored in a meeting and someone accidentally posted 'cat' to Teams

Relatively, Rayon is higher overhead

Yeah, why are those bastards writing slow code? They should just write fast code instead

Fast code is often unmaintainable, that's why new high-speed libraries keep popping up.

Yeah and people should make sure not to commit bugs too. I look at all these commits with bugs and I'm like why are you committing bugs.

Stop publishing software, you don't refine your meal constantly! Enough is enough!

In the early 2000s we were still in high school and a friend of mine told me that it's pointless to chose a carrier in SWE because eventually all the software will be written and there would be nothing to do.

Well we both ended up in CS but it's really a funny take nowadays (by then I wasn't so sure and it made me worry a bit).

we got paid to fix someone else code, whoever invented wordpress has made a million jobs

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