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Is there any interesting piece of code that might help me see this working to its true potential? I tried the factorial function expecting it to show all the recursive calls. What can I expect to see here? Call trace over multiple functions?

EDIT: Just tried this , atleast this shows the last calls made to the functions

(defn my-add [a b] (+ a b))

(defn fact[x] (if (<= x 1) 1 (* x (fact (- x 1)) )))

(my-add (fact (my-add 3 3)) (fact (my-add 2 5)))



(defn my-add [||720|| ||5040||] (+ ||720|| ||5040||))

(defn fact[||1||] (if (<= ||1|| 1) 1 (* ||1|| (fact (- ||1|| 1)) )))

(my-add (fact (my-add 3 3)) (fact (my-add 2 5)))|| => 5760||

A little example I've come up with is writing a bunch of tests for a function you are implementing and seeing them automatically executed.

Try to fix fib by changing a, b and i values:

  (defn fib [n]
    (loop [a 1, b 1, i 1]
      (if (= i n)
        (recur b (+ a b) (inc i)))))

  (= (fib 0) 0)
  (= (fib 1) 1)
  (= (fib 2) 1)
  (= (fib 3) 2)
  (= (fib 4) 3)
  (= (fib 10) 55)

Hello world:

(javax.swing.JOptionPane/showMessageDialog nil "Hello World")

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