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the syntax might change, things will break, expect bugs.

Bugs are normal software development.

Changing syntax and breaking things make work for everyone else for the convenience of developers. Reliability is what makes a tool a tool.

> Changing syntax and breaking things make work

How else might one explore a new language (vapour) in the open among interested like-minded developers seeking to iterate on a tool found lacking (R)?

Changing and iterating things makes.

they aren’t wrong. backwards compatibility is a suppose to one of the first promises any mature programming languages. unless you make it explicit via noting breaking changes in major version updates (1.X.X —> 2.X.X) or the language is purely for R&D and makes no guarantee of anything

The website says, "EARLY ALPHA Vapour is extremely young, the syntax might change, things will break, expect bugs."

What part of this is giving any sense of stability? It's clearly an experimental language, so I find it hard to understand why you are discussing stability and compatibility at all.

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