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GPU Debug Scopes (wunkolo.github.io)
98 points by qsantos 1 day ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

What are other cross platform (as in cross-GPU) tools other than RenderDoc that can show GPU debug info?

I found Microsoft Pix, but it's not very useful for Vulkan except showing some performance counters.

Just RenderDoc really. PIX is DirectX only, and everything else is vendor specific.

I don't really know why you wouldn't just use your vendor's tooling though. The only thing I use RenderDoc for is I find debugging with it a bit easier than NSight when I need to find a problem, but for anything performance related I use NSight (and would use PIX as well if Nvidia didn't gimp it).

Oh also Intel's IGA I've found to be very buggy as well, so I avoid that.

Tools may be vendor specific but they're still portable. I use Intel GPA on my AMD card with no issues, I just don't get the extra counters and features Intel GPUs might get.

What's AMD's equivalent to Renderdoc these days?

AMD has some tools for debugging performance related issues called Radeon GPU Profiler/Analyzer and gfxreconstruct (mainly just a replay tool, but can help when comparing across cards), but for debugging shaders running incorrectly on our hardware we use and support both render doc and Microsoft PIX.

To my knowledge they don’t offer a frame debugger any more

Cool to see how the Vulkan and OpenGL implementations differ. Also did not ever expect to see Paint Roller on HN.

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