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Nice writeups. While most of your reasoning/logic are valid i think you are missing a few crucial viewpoints which should be incorporated into your "HN filtration and decision-making" process.

I presume you know of Nassim Taleb's "The Minority Rule", if not see his article The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority - https://medium.com/incerto/the-most-intolerant-wins-the-dict... and video explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwlW2aamDFc Any system can be gamed by an intransigent group by applying this rule under the guise of victimhood/false equivalence/even-handedness/appeal to authority/religion/PC/DEI/etc. Various language techniques like phrasing/tone/insinuation/instigation/support/oppose/etc. can be used to lead/sway/hint/push towards the group's viewpoint irrespective of Truth/Reality. In today's world all Human topics involve Politics/Propaganda/Manipulation/Spin/Gaslighting/etc. whether we like it or not. The effects of "events" (eg. HN comments) in these domains are non-linear (pareto/power law/etc.) and hence a single outlier can ruin everything i.e. you don't need an actual "shady misinformation group".

I am not sure how HN does its moderation but i can guarantee that the above is happening in one form or another. I have seen this in threads to do with Russia-Ukraine war, Israel-Palestine issue, Boeing issues etc.

As an example, you say; "These are difficult historical topics that there's no consensus on." which is factually incorrect given the wikipedia links i had posted. You have been manipulated to disregard Truth in the guise of even-handedness :-)

You realize I belong to an Ahmedi family? What kind of insidious “ingroup” is that in Pak context? Please tell that to any Pakistani who will collapse in peals of laughter.

I like Xkcd's take on certain games: https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2833:_Lying

Just to reply to you below both spellings are used.

No; they are not, by people who know the subject.

If you want to talk down to someone who was born and brought up as one that’s your prerogative but you’re the one who’s looking stupid. Yes, your spelling is the “official” one.

Guess i hit a nerve, eh? Ignorance always gets showed up.

You can think what you want. I tend to worry about people telling me my parents should be assassinated rather than which vowel to use (this spelling issue obviously doesn’t arise in Urdu)

You have now officially "jumped the shark" and are making no sense.

Your Ignorance got showed up so deal with it.

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