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Games Workshop, multi-billion pound publicly traded British company. Manufacture their core goods in British factories, don’t engage in tax shenanigans.

They do however change their figurine bases from square to round in an effort to deprecate people's armies in a bid to generate revenue.


It’s probably a risk reward choice not a moral choice.

... Myself... I find their 3-year lifecycle for rulebooks a little aggressive... (as well as their pricing - but hey, it's a hobby)

Having to spend ~£120 (rulebook and codex) every 3 years for a hobby is probably okay though?

I am from far enough back in time (started with 1st edition and then went to 2nd - and had almost all of the codexes, even though I only played a single faction/army) I would buy codexes (army books) for all the armies, because I liked the art and the lore.

The 2nd edition box set was about ~£35 in 1993, adjusted for inflation that would be ~£73 now - which then when converted into CAD is well...alot more than what I just paid for 10th edition (about $80 CAD+tax). So - it's a good deal - and I am sure that there is overlap amongst friends during edition changeover.

5-year cycle would be a happy medium, but "that's just like my opinion man"...

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