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Titan sub disaster: Five key questions that remain (bbc.co.uk)
3 points by ColinWright 9 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

1. "Did the passengers know the dive was going wrong?"

Why does this matter? It was far too late for them.

2. "Which part of the Titan sub failed?"

Established precedent and good designers have already answered that

3. "Did ocean sounds distract from the search?"

What are you going to do? Ask the ocean to hush?

4. "Why were safety concerns ignored by Oceangate?"

From what I have read, that'll be ego.

5. "Why did the authorities allow Titan to dive?"

They could not stop them.

I can't see a 'key question' in the above.

tl;dr; version - the article has fairly-good answers to 5 reasonable questions.

Click-bait aside, the article offers zero meaningful open questions.

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