Cached pages were amazingly useful in my prior role where a main objective was to detect plagiarism. There were only a handful of cheater sites in play, and 100% of them were paywalled.
So searching them in Google was exactly how students found the answers, I assume, but we wouldn't have had the smoking gun without a cached, paywall-bypass, dated copy. $Employer was definitely unwilling to subscribe to services like that!
(However, the #1 most popular cheat site, by far, was GitHub itself. No paywalls there!)
So searching them in Google was exactly how students found the answers, I assume, but we wouldn't have had the smoking gun without a cached, paywall-bypass, dated copy. $Employer was definitely unwilling to subscribe to services like that!
(However, the #1 most popular cheat site, by far, was GitHub itself. No paywalls there!)