I have a straight forward task that no model has been able to successfully complete.
The request is pretty basic. If anyone can get it to work, I'd like to know how and what model you're using. I tried it with gpt4o1 and after ~10 iterations of showing it the failed output, it still failed to come up with a one-line command to properly display results.
Here it what I asked: Using a mac osx terminal and standard available tools, provide a command to update the output of netstat -an to show the fqdn of IP addresses listed in the result.
The request is pretty basic. If anyone can get it to work, I'd like to know how and what model you're using. I tried it with gpt4o1 and after ~10 iterations of showing it the failed output, it still failed to come up with a one-line command to properly display results.
Here it what I asked: Using a mac osx terminal and standard available tools, provide a command to update the output of netstat -an to show the fqdn of IP addresses listed in the result.
This is what it came up with:
netstat -an | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if($i~/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?$/){split($i,a,".");ip=a[1]"."a[2]"."a[3]"."a[4];port=(length(a)>4?"."a[5]:"");cmd="dig +short -x "ip;cmd|getline h;close(cmd);if(h){sub(/\.$/,"",h);$i=h port}}}}1'