I use something similar with an added "nagging" functionality. Surprisingly, it's easier for me to obey this thing, than nagging from an actual human being.
nagme () {
[ "$#" -ne 2 ] && printf "usage: $0 [in_minutes] [text]\n" && return 1
printf "sleeping $1 min before telling you to $2\n"
sleep "$(echo $1\*60|bc)"
say "$2" > /dev/null 2>&1
while :
sleep 30
echo -n '.'
say "I'm nagging you to $2" > /dev/null 2>&1
I used this for my pipeline that deploys a fresly baked raspberry pi image onto an SD card. It would remind me to remove the SD card and put it in the Pi, boot it and have Ansible continue to configure it. Felt awesome.