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The EU Council is mainly composed by heads of state or government.

In some countries that may be a president (which is directly elected), in others a prime minister (which you may argue is indirectly elected by a elected parliament).

We may argue if presidentialism is somehow more democratic than parliamentarism, but prime ministers are undeniably elected (they are in the parliament after all).

Also, whatever regulations proposed by the EU council or commission, they have to be approved by the parliament. That's their whole job.

You are, honestly, just speaking bullshit about something you clearly don't understand, probably regurgitating bad takes you read online somewhere.

You literally just agreed with me in your first few sentences and then ended by saying I'm talking bullshit. Weird hill for you to die on since it's a minor detail and not even the main point in my original argument.

It just reads like you want to argue with someone online.

I didn't agree with anything you said.

Heads of state/government are elected.

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