"They also don't have to be jumped into head first w/out checking for snags and clearance either."
So new technologies should be at least put on hold until someone checks them for snags and clearance to an extent satisfying for ... whom? You? An average person? A committee? The parliament? Some regulatory body?
Again, what you think of as wisdom seems like obsessive safetyism to me. As someone else here argues, you shouldn't have the right to stop or delay random things just in case, unless you can demonstrate some concrete harm.
The world shouldn't be a carefully padded kindergarten for adults. Heck, even current kindergartens for kids are too safetyist by far. Shout out to Lenore Skenazy and her free-range parenting.
New technologies don't need to be "banned" forever, what a daft idea.
They also don't have to be jumped into head first w/out checking for snags and clearance either.