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Which ones?

Just over a decade ago, there was a job ad for a host role with the state-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation that explicitly required applicants to be "Any race except Caucasian".


While it was portrayed as a "mistake" during the subsequent backtracking, that incident certainly planted a seed of doubt in my mind.

every employer that has quotas for non-white employees? that necessarily follows.

not that its not limited to race. if an org wants more women they will actively select candidates based on gender first.

Comparing a specific employer against "every employer that has quotas" is not a useful comparison.

Discrimination is a necessary means to achieve quoatas, no matter what the quota is.

Introducing discrimination is often the explicitly stated purpose of quotas

The reason it's not a useful comparison is that unnamed, nonspecific "employer who has quotas" is assuming that many employers have quotas. Who? How much? And did they eat my cat?

> every employer that has quotas for non-white employees?

Does any employer in the US have this? I'm almost certain it'd be illegal.

Which employers are those?

In the US, they would be blatantly violating the law and targets for lawsuits.

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