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> For any medium web app, by choosing a framework, you will move the mental load of maintaining and bike shedding to thousands of other engineers,

Suppose you chose a framework. Suppose you were unlucky in your choice. Let's say you chose Angular.js in 2014... only to discover in 2016 that something called Angular 2 is coming out, and that Angular.js is on its way on being discontinued, and the migration story is horrible...

Or suppose you chose Backbone in 2012, and then by about 2015 it kind of died...

Or suppose you chose Meteor in 2013. It was quite popular then... until it wasn't.

Or suppose you chose Aurelia, which had its moment somewhere around 2015 or 2016, when Rob Eisenberg was promoting it taking advantage of the dreaded Angular migration story and of a sneaky clause in the React license. Yeah, it's dead now.

And so on and so forth. At least what you write yourself, for the specific purposes of your application, lives as long as the application itself, and is as fresh as ever.

I was still writing and maintaining Angular JS projects in 2020, when I left my old job. It was a worse option than Angular 2.0, but it still worked fine. The documentation still existed.

I was also maintaining Backbone projects.

> And so on and so forth

The web space needed some time to settle down, I'll give you that. The web as we know it is really only less than 20 years old. Technologies took a similar time to settle back when we chose between C, Fortran, Ada and Java (the new kid on the block at the time). If you were _really_ cool, you may also looked into Python.

Engineers had similar discussions back then.

Nowadays, choose React, Angular or Vue and you will have no problems maintining projects 20 years from now.

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