There is no such slippery-ness or slippage. The system is fundamentally assessable with basic accounting and Econ 101. No, the 401k is not a coup. No, class-warfare advocates cannot fundamentally create value, improve the economy, or the better state of individual well-being—-either temporarily or permanently—-by wealth transfer, and their efforts typically result in gross infringement of human rights. Typically in history these wealth transfers have greatest negative impact against the middle- and lower- tiers of wealth. The study of the encomiendas in Columbia is perhaps somewhat insightful.
Economy is a prime example of a field where a bit of knowledge is worse than no knowledge, and nothing is more deranged than someone who has completed Econ 101, and thinking they now understand the world:-P
Most economists don't understand the world, only their theory of it. A theory which in many experiments has been show to be bonkers. Albeit useful bonkers in certain, limited, circumstances.