>There's also the matter of the user experience, the fact that a lot of people have a large catalog of games on the PS platform.
Playnite is no match at all for the PS5 interface, which also handles streaming apps, which Playnite does not from what I can tell. I use both and know very well. The last place a user wants to deal with buggy behavior (bug right now in Playnite where I won't be able to use controller to move to the top bar in Playnite) or a manual touch to get things going the right way (Windows multi-display behavior is insanely bad, you need a Playnite plugin to fix it so things always launch on the TV and not the monitor, but you have to assign this for each new game) is entertainment center UX.
Playnite is no match at all for the PS5 interface, which also handles streaming apps, which Playnite does not from what I can tell. I use both and know very well. The last place a user wants to deal with buggy behavior (bug right now in Playnite where I won't be able to use controller to move to the top bar in Playnite) or a manual touch to get things going the right way (Windows multi-display behavior is insanely bad, you need a Playnite plugin to fix it so things always launch on the TV and not the monitor, but you have to assign this for each new game) is entertainment center UX.