For the general consumer, the target market of PlayStation, 90% of the way there isn't good enough. The cheaper option is 100% of the way there as far as they're concerned.
> For the general consumer, the target market of PlayStation, 90% of the way there isn't good enough.
Oh come on, really? Big Picture is on par or arguably better than the PS4 interface was, and way better than previous generation consoles, and those all sold very well to the "general consumer"...
I think you're just trying to argue for argument's sake here...
I picked 90% as an arbitrary number, so you're literally arguing against a made up number..
My point to the GP was that gaming on PC doesn't have to be "Windows, keyboards and mice" and there's a perfectly good, and polished, store/couch/controller experience available to anyone who wants it, even if consoles are still incrementally better.
I'm a hardcore PC gamer. I have a Switch, which I play Nintendo exclusives on, but other than that there's not a console in my house.
I'm telling you for a fact that almost all the people I interact with day to day RE games don't give a shit how good or accessible PC gaming is now. They're going to buy a console no matter what. That's the general consumer I'm talking about.
I'll come back to this and eat my words if this thing doesn't sell out. I think they've got more money than sense personally.