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“Education for pedestrians” is very difficult, maybe impossible. You’d have to reach and convince 100% of the population, including homeless people who we can’t even convince to stay in free shelters.

Even then, there are still fatalities of completely innocent pedestrians. Near me two kids were killed when someone hit them crossing at the cross walk with their parent. Driver confused the gas and brake.

Fencing in the entire sidewalk seems impossible in most cases as access to street parking and driveways is needed on most roads. I have seen fences put on the median in a few cases to discourage crossing.

If it were taught to the young, as it was when I was a youth, it should become a behaviour aped (consciously or otherwise) by peers.

Putting a token barrier up in city centres wouldn't restrict access, and would help root the distinction even when in other areas.

Yes, of course this isn't a 'magic bullet' to cure fatalities, but it could go a long way to (ready for it ...) curbing them (groan).

Part of a wider plan, and one with many upsides.

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