To give you a flavor of it without downloading, here's the introductory paragraph:
The rise of ‘Web 2.0’ (O’Reilly, 2007) has changed the way that people interact with theworld and with each other. Developments in ICT have enabled changes in commerce, politics, and interpersonal communication. Widespread consumption and creation of user-generated content (UGC) has ushered us into an era of participatory culture, breaking down the barriers between producer and consumer (Bruns, 2007), and allowing us to “take media into our own hands” (Jenkins et al., 2009: 29). This has contributed to the election of the first African-American President (Painter, 2009), and provided new tools for fighting governmental corruption (Shirky, 2010a). It has also given us Peanut Butter Jelly Time.
<quote> The rise of ‘Web 2.0’ (O’Reilly, 2007) has changed the way that people interact with theworld and with each other. Developments in ICT have enabled changes in commerce, politics, and interpersonal communication. Widespread consumption and creation of user-generated content (UGC) has ushered us into an era of participatory culture, breaking down the barriers between producer and consumer (Bruns, 2007), and allowing us to “take media into our own hands” (Jenkins et al., 2009: 29). This has contributed to the election of the first African-American President (Painter, 2009), and provided new tools for fighting governmental corruption (Shirky, 2010a). It has also given us Peanut Butter Jelly Time. </quote>