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Ask HN: How to start iOS development ?
10 points by PopaL on June 22, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

I'm a decent C programmer, but I have no experience with Objective-C.

What resources (books, tutorials etc ...) can you recommend me for learning Objective-C and iOS development ?

I have a MacBook Pro from 2011 (Lion and Xcode 4.3.3) and an iPhone 4S that I can use for tests.

Hi, I am in a similar position as you, and have sought help in much the same way. The most common responses I got were:

Programming in Objective-C - Kochan (http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Objective-C-4th-Developers...) I am currently halfway through this book, it is primarily focused on the actual Objective-C language, and almost nothing on actual iOS/Cocoa Development (some small bits in the later chapters). I was recommended this to learn the underlying language before jumping in, very enjoyable so far, the exercises are great.

I have heard good things about both Nerd Ranch books (http://www.amazon.com/iOS-Programming-Ranch-Guide-Guides/dp/...) and will likely use that for introduction to Cocoa and iOS SDK.

Originally I planned on using "Beginning iOS 5 Development" from Apress as the iOS SDK learning book (http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-iOS-Development-Exploring-SD...), but it seems that the reviews are quite low compared to previous versions.

Finally, if you enjoy learning through video, the Stanford course is very highly recommended, through iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/ipad-iphone-application-...). I found them very useful to start with, but I felt I wasn't learning much syntax through the videos, the talking portions are very in depth, but the coding portions are very quick (and went over my head due to not knowing Objective-C!). I will likely return to these when I have a working understanding of Objective-C.

(Most of these tips from my understanding of: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3403049/best-book-resourc... and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1939/how-to-articles-for-...)

I'm a big fan of Erica Sadun's "iOS 5 Developers Cookbook" http://www.amazon.com/The-iOS-Developers-Cookbook-ebook/dp/B... She starts off showing you how an iOS app works from main() on up, which gave me an understanding of how some of the "magical" parts of iOS work, like nib loading. The bulk of the book is a decent cookbook that you can cherry pick from as needed.

If you've worked with other event-driven GUI frameworks in the past, check out Sadun's book.

Kochan seems OK.

I've seen the Objective-C book from The Big Nerd Ranch and 50% of the book is about basic C. This is not appealing to me, obviously if you know nothing about C (or you have limited experience) this could be a good match for you.

Then skip the intro to Objective-C textbook, instead dive right into iOS development. Big Nerd Ranch's iOS Programming textbook offers three chapters worth of an introduction to Objective-C. The authors primarily talk about using the Cocoa Touch framework to write native apps in Xcode, which is what you want to do?

Is your goal to ship apps or is your goal to learn Obj-C?

If your goal is to just ship apps, pick a framework or tool that lets you get your app out there as fast as possible - PhoneGap+Sencha Touch/Kendo Mobile for informational apps or something like Corona for games.

If your goal is to learn Obj-C and build apps using it, you should just pick a basic app like a todo list, twitter client, whatever... and just solve the problems one at a time until you have a working app.

Books and tutorials are fine, but they're also a great way to procrastinate building the app that you are trying to build. If you are trying to build something, just build it.

I think the best way to start developing for iOS is trough Objective-C (especially if you already know C).

Otherwise I agree with what you said about starting with a small application.

I've heard nothing but goods things about Stanford's course:


I've watched the first three lessons and looks promising, but if you don't already Objective-C it will became quickly problematic to follow the course.


Free 9 week iOS course in SF. I've applied, so should you! They seek a wide variety of programmers, so don't be shy. Clearly it's affordable, and the hours are awesome (something like 1-9 so outside people can come after work and present). It's free only for the summer, otherwise it's $7500 for early admits.

edit: apparently, the summer application is closed. Still, it's a good reason to get to SF (not that anyone needs one more...)

If you already know some JavaScript, Titanium (http://www.appcelerator.com/) seems pretty interesting. It compiles down to the native language of iPhone and/or Android. I haven't used it extensively, though, and am curious what others think about it.

Ruby alternative - RubyMotion C# alternative - MonoTouch

That being said, I still think Objective-C is the way to go if you are an individual developer. For a company with a large .NET base of coders for e.g. makes more sense to use MonoTouch.

I have a free video course on udemy.com that teaches in a see-and-do style.

It will get you started:


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