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In 1849, some guy discovered gold in California...

When the word "lottery" is mentioned in the article, I thought it was a pretty accurate description of what is happening.

There are 10,000+ apps in AppStore and only 10 that can occupy the top 10 slots. That gives the average developer a whopping .1% chance at any given time to be in the golden goose category.

Keep building your continuity businesses folks, the old boring 37Signals model. It'll keep pumping money into your bank account, month-after-month, and if you have some moola left over -- hire a iPhone hacker to put something together for you.

Maybe you will get lucky and you'll have a flash in the pan for a few weeks.

Moving forward, the winners are going to be the people who can market the hell out of their applications. If you aren't marketing-savvy, you are leaving it up to the gods to get yourself into the big money list.

>There are 10,000+ apps in AppStore and only 10 that can occupy the top 10 slots. That gives the average developer a whopping .1% chance at any given time to be in the golden goose category.

It gives the average developer a 0% chance to have a golden goose, but a good developer has a somewhat better chance.

The problem is that people tend to overrate their own abilities. I guess quitting your job and going for something like this is an effective, if risky, way to find out for sure.

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