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I'm by no means a tailscale expert (having only recently started playing with it myself), but i see the benefit of having a little bubble of protection or at least obscurity for more private web apps. One's own sort of LAN-ternet of possible apps that can be more safely enjoyed with a family, friends, or just one's self.

For example, I've self-hosted Nextcloud for many years...and while as much as i love nextcloud, managing it is not easy (well, its much easier now)...And separate of the functional annoyances of the platform, there's the constant fear and battle of fending off internet attacks...constantly! So, things like tailscale as wel as other open source solutuions allows for a sort of internet-within-an-internet...so, one could self-host a nextcloud instance that is only available to, say, your family or friends via tailscale, chopping off a big portion of potential baddies. To add to this, your local ISP likely won;t be aware of your selfhosting and hopefully won't unexpectedly block your access to your home servers, etc. Again, i'm not an expert, but i see the potential! And, non-techies need not worry about jumping through too many hoops...all they need is to ensure the tailscale client is on/activated in the background, and they engage some web app in a sort of regular fashion - like they do with other web apps...i guess. I'm gonna stop here cuz i sound like a shill, when really i'm just starting to like this sort of vpn thingy.

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