The problem with highly secure and clandestine communication.... it makes your whole life complicated enough, puts enough extra strain on you, that you become noticeable by that alone.... always nonzero.... a time limit before your cat-posting scheme, still unbroken, becomes irrelevant, given enough interest from The Man against whom you conspire.
Hide in the noise, embrace counter-culture, call it while you're up.
Oh, and they have everything forever, so you can't ever make a mistake against future adversaries, within your risk-window.
and if you think the Latina Beaches will serve you as they did those delusional fantasies, they watch those, too.
The beaches, that is.
You can still fantasize about it, though.
If those before you tell you to beware of dragons, do not sneer at their skeletons.
Oh, and they have everything forever, so you can't ever make a mistake against future adversaries, within your risk-window.
and if you think the Latina Beaches will serve you as they did those delusional fantasies, they watch those, too.
The beaches, that is.
You can still fantasize about it, though.
If those before you tell you to beware of dragons, do not sneer at their skeletons.