Phoenix R&D is a bootstrapped Berlin-based messaging technology company founded in 2022. We, the team behind it, have been active in the area of secure messaging in both industry and academia for over 10 years.
Among other things, we are working on a modern messaging application for a range of target groups. To reach and empower as many developers and users as possible, the technology we develop is open-source, focusing on thorough documentation and user-friendliness. Our explicit goal is to develop a community of contributors and users that helps us build the next generation of private and secure messaging.
We strongly prefer open standards over proprietary solutions and actively contribute to IETF working groups such as MLS, MIMI and Privacy Pass to make the internet a more secure and private place.
Phoenix R&D is a bootstrapped Berlin-based messaging technology company founded in 2022. We, the team behind it, have been active in the area of secure messaging in both industry and academia for over 10 years.
Among other things, we are working on a modern messaging application for a range of target groups. To reach and empower as many developers and users as possible, the technology we develop is open-source, focusing on thorough documentation and user-friendliness. Our explicit goal is to develop a community of contributors and users that helps us build the next generation of private and secure messaging.
We strongly prefer open standards over proprietary solutions and actively contribute to IETF working groups such as MLS, MIMI and Privacy Pass to make the internet a more secure and private place.
Open Positions: - Senior Rust Engineer full-time: - Freelance Senior Rust Engineer: