Where do you get your notion of “expensive” from? Expensive compared to what?
Solar panels are dropping precipitously in price. If solar installation companies had better incentives and less scammy behavior, or if you DIY’d your solar setup, it is hard to beat on price lately. As the article indicates, grid-connected solar is quickly approaching an end state, after which battery storage and opportunistic “excess” usage or transfer will be more important.
"If solar installation companies had better incentives and less scammy behavior"
If wishes were horses....
You still need the mounting hardware, the wiring, the permits and interconnect with the grid if you're doing that it, the batteries and the permits for those if you're storing excess locally, etc. and none of that stuff is getting cheaper. Not to mention the labor to install it and connect it. Not saying there isn't scammy behavior happening, there is, just like there is in any other home improvement/remodel contracting market.
But the panels are an ever-shrinking part of the price of a project, and they are the only thing that's getting cheaper.