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  Location: Portland, OR
  Remote: Remote only
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Svelte + SvelteKit, NodeJS, GraphQL, Go, Docker, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Ruby on Rails, Scheme
  Résumé/CV: https://benaiah.me/assets/resume.pdf
  Email: benaiah@mischenko.com
My name is Benaiah Mischenko, and I am a senior/staff level full-stack developer with 13 years of experience as, at different times, an individual contributor, full-time open-source-maintainer, and team lead. I like to work on interesting and difficult data + UI problems that cross the backend/frontend divide. Both team lead and individual contributor opportunities interest me currently, but I do not wish to move into management.

In the past five years I've worked as a full-time maintainer of Netlify CMS, an open-source project with using React and TypeScript; then worked on the backend of the Netlify build service that runs all of the builds on that service using Go, Docker, Ruby on Rails, NodeJS, and Kubernetes; and since then led an engineering team to an on-time and well-received delivery of a new open-source website for a major department of the state of Louisiana using TypeScript, Svelte + SvelteKit, GraphQL, Contentful, and Vercel.

I'm passionate about project automation, thorough documentation, relieving pain points for other developers and finding ways to accelerate my team as a whole, and being able to contribute across a large stack of technologies to solve problems that involve a full vertical slice of an application. I strive to always grow as a developer and help those around me do the same, whether that be in a formal role as a team lead or as a peer and collaborator.

I'm happy to field any further questions over email, and am available to start immediately.

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