I used them both to find the longest line in a file. The Perl option just spits out the number of times each line length occurs. It will get messy if you have many different line lengths (which was not my case).
You also have to take into account that awk does not count the line terminator.
Let's try the opposite: make the Perl script more like the AWK one.
$ time perl -ne 'if(length($_)>$n) {$n=length($_)}; END {print $n}' rockyou.txt
real 0m2,569s
user 0m2,506s
sys 0m0,056s
$ time awk 'length($0) > max { max=length($0) } END { print max }' rockyou.txt
real 0m3,768s
user 0m3,714s
sys 0m0,048s
You also have to take into account that awk does not count the line terminator.
Let's try the opposite: make the Perl script more like the AWK one.