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In what way does taking X off Brazil decrease the censorship in Brazil?

It certainly makes whatever censorship might be taking place less skewed by Musk's personal whims.

No, because that speech could (presumably, can never be sure what’s allowed in a quasi-democracy) take place on another website.

Yes but it wouldn't be subjected to Musk's censorship on Random Website, whereas on Twitter it is.

Yes, but if the government censors it, it’s forbidden on both. Surely you muse see the difference?

Yes, I do. That's precisely my point. It's based on law. Brazil is a democratic country. The law is the will of the people, or at least it is as much as bullshit USA-based representative democracy goes. Still much closer to the will of the people than Musk's personal opinions and whims.

Sorry, but you are completely missing the point.

Have a nice day.

I don't think I am. I think you're having a hard time understanding that people may see your point and still disagree with it.

Have a nice day yourself!

It removes the censor that is Musk.

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